Digital Across Museums: A Vision Matrix to Assess Organizations
Professional ForumChad Weinard, Independent Consultant, USA, Nik Honeysett, BPOC, USA, Emily Lytle-Painter, Independent, USA
The museum of the future will require a digital mindset and literacy across the institution, in every department and position. New tools, improved collaborative approaches and workflows will need to permeate all aspects of museum work in order to better connect with audiences. In today’s museums, this digital mindset rarely exists outside the technology department, digital media, or social media.
Becoming the museum of the future will require a transformation of departments and roles. Museum staff will need to adapt and learn new skills to take advantage of new opportunities. Museum technologists will increasingly be called on to formulate a strategy for change and implement it across the organization through education and collaboration. This is a tall order, requiring much more than technology skills. It will require communication, understanding, shared goals, empathy and most importantly, leadership.
This panel seeks to equip museum technologists to advance organizational change and work toward the museum of the future. To do so, we’ll invite voices from across museum departments to collaboratively chart the spectrum of digital transformation. Some will be at the vanguard, others in the mainstream, all will have insights into how museum technologists can best collaborate and affect change across the organization.