What it is
Movio is a multifunction platform for the creation of multimedia exhibitions and storytelling as well as exhibition guides. It is based on open source technology, can be easily integrated with existing platforms and complies with access standards.
MOVIO is an open source CMS, a kit of tools, which enables web content creation and exhibition creation. MOVIO has a semantic approach; it can be defined as a SCMS (Semantic Content Management System) as well.
What it does
Enables museum curators to create virtual exhibitions and digital extensions of real exhibitions. It guides the visitor by means of theme pages, and enables the publication of multimedia galleries, timelines, slide-shows and interactive geographical maps. It allows building online digital exhibitions targeted to different audiences and aims to enable long term accessibility to the mass of knowledge generated by temporary exhibitions that, for their nature, have a limited life span. The content is shaped using different tools integrated in the software: media archive, ontology builder, storyteller, different types of image galleries, hotspots, interactive maps and timeline, a catalogue of all exhibitions created with or without movio is MOVIO-HUB (managed by the Italian Ministry for Culture), creation of paths and POIs on maps, etc. The SCMS is developed by GruppoMeta. MOVIO is released under MIT license that allows the widest possible reuse of software.[2] The source code has been published on GIT-HUB.
Who it’s for
Curators of museums and libraries (working for public institutes, foundations and cultural enterprises), gallerists, archivists, librarians, teachers (schools at various levels, universities and professional institutes), tourist guides.
The last release was published in December 2015 and more than 70 museums/ cultural institutions/ archives in Europe experimented MOVIO, see:
- MOVIO page: http://www.gruppometa.it/en/movio
- GruppoMeta : http://www.gruppometa.it
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AthenaPlus
- Source Code on GIT-Hub: https://github.com/GruppoMeta/Movio
- EU funded project with 40 cultural institutions http://athenaplus.eu/
- CIDOC paper: http://www.cidoc2014.de/images/sampledata/cidoc/papers/H-2_Natale_Minelli_et-al_paper.pdf
- Maria Teresa Natale, Sam Habibi Minelli, Marzia Piccininno, Paolo Ongaro, Daniele Ugoletti, Rubino Saccoccio MOVIO: a toolkit for creating curated digital exhibitions – IRCDL Padua http://ircdl2014.dei.unipd.it/)
- Maria Teresa Natale, Sam Habibi Minelli, Marzia Piccininno, Paolo Ongaro, Daniele Ugoletti, Rubino Saccoccio MOVIO: a toolkit for creating curated digital exhibitions ICA (Girona) the 2nd Annual Conference of the International Council on Archives, the 9th European Conference on Archives, and the 13th Image and Research Seminar http://www.girona.cat/web/ica2014/eng/comunicacions.php
- Maria Teresa Natale, Sam Habibi Minelli, Barbara Dierickx, Paolo Ongaro, Marzia Piccininno, Daniele Ugoletti, Rubino Saccoccio, Alberto Raggioli: Exhibiting Intangible Cultural Heritage using MOVIO: a multilingual toolkit for creating curated digital exhibitions, made available by the AthenaPlus project CIDOC, the International Committee for Documentation of ICOM, took place from6th – 11th of September 2014 in Dresden, Germany http://cidoc2014.de
- Sam Habibi Minelli, Maria Teresa Natale, Marc Aguillar: Innovative Approaches for Narrating Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage: the AthenaPlus Creative Tools Uncommon Culture published in 2015
- Sam Habibi Minelli, Iva Petra Milovac , Orsolya Veress, Donatas Snarskis, Jovita Vilimaitiene, Ža Karlberg, Karin Glasemann: Museum’s experiences in creating cultural narrations using the AthenaPlus tool called MOVIO Uncommon Culture published in 2015
- Sam Habibi Minelli, Maria Teresa Natale, Marzia Piccininno, Paolo Ongaro, Daniele Ugoletti, Rubino Saccoccio, Barbara Dierickx, Merc Lopez AthenaPlus: the MOVIO toolkit for designing and publishing digital exhibitions for cultural and touristic storytelling FM&W 2014 http://mwf2014.museumsandtheweb.com/proposals/digital-storytelling-for-dch-innovative-tools-and-services
For additional information contact: sam.minelli@gruppometa.it