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GLAMi Awards (Previously the Best of the Web Awards)

IN 2016 Museums and the Web launched a new format for our very popular Best of the Web Awards (BoW) with a new focus.  The winners can be found here.

The Best of the Web awards were started in 1997 when the word “Web” in a museum was almost synonymous with “innovation.” Previous winners of the BOW awards are listed on Wikipedia.

Over the past few years, BOW judges have struggled to fit in certain projects (such as those concerned with collections, location-aware mobile projects, and touch tables) that they can’t test online, as well as other innovative projects powered by digital technology that are not “on the web.” Today, Museums and the Web as a conference has also come to represent all innovation happening in the cultural sector, much of which happens beyond the web. And since this is the 20th year for MW, we decided it is time to reboot the award as:

The Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums Innovation award or the:

mw logo conf MW2016 long GLAMi Awards w-axiell

We will accept submissions from March 6th through March 16th

The Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums Innovation awards recognizes the best GLAM work in the sector. Projects are nominated by GLAM professionals from around the world and reviewed by a committee of peers.

How do the GLAMi Awards work?

  • All nominations are made through this website and are available online for others to review.
  • Only registered users can nominate a GLAM project. If you haven’t registered, feel free to set up an accountNote: Accounts resulting from a organized campaign to promote a GLAMi project will not be approved or will be suspended when discovered.
  • Nominations should be tagged with as many tags as you feel adequately describe the project.
  • You can nominate as many projects as you feel deserve a GLAMi award. You may nominate your own project but we encourage you to nominate others as well to help bring the best projects in the field to the attention of all.

What’s required in a Nomination?

  • To make a nomination complete the online form.
  • Complete all the fields:
    • Project Name  
      The formal name of the site, or part of a site.
    • Institution
      The museum that launched the project; format this so it sorts in lists.
    • Project Lead
      The name of the individual or firm who was primarily responsible for the project.
    • Project URL
      A full, working URL for a description of the project, starting with http://  This could be a link to an MW paper about the project or even a press release. Make sure you get this right: if we can’t find the project we can’t review it.
    • Tags
      Tag the project to help us identify the best judges to review it.
    • Description (This will be published on the MW2016 Website for anyone online to see.)
      • Tell us about the project:
        Your written information that will help the judges review it: highlight why this project is great at what it does. Cite specific webpages by URL. Include screen shots if desired. Describe the impact. If this project is not reviewable online, tell us how we can review it… with a visit, over Skype etc.
      • Photos, Screen Images or Video if the project is site specific:
        Please submit as many images, illustrations or links to videos as you think necessary to review the project. They should highlight exceptional aspects of the project. Upload an image by clicking on the media button below the Description text area. Follow the prompts on the pop-up form, first to upload your image file, and then to link it to your nomination. Put your image at the start of your text, and the words will flow around it. Please use the default settings for image formatting.
  • Preview your nomination and correct any problems.
  • Submit your nomination.
  • Once submitted, nominations will be reviewed by the MW2016 GLAMi Award Committee, and then released to the conference site.

The Deadline

  • Nominations will be accepted March 6th and continue through March 16th

The List of Nominations

  • Nominations will be listed immediately after they are reviewed.
  • Nominations are linked to the MW user profile of the nominator.

The Review Process

  • All nominations will be available for members of the community to see.
  • Comments on nominated projects are encouraged.
  • All nominated projects will be considered by the GLAMi Award Committee for an award.

People’s Choice

  • Members of the community vote for the “people’s choice” award: March 16th – April 7, 2016.
  • When voting is open, registered users will be able to select a project and cast a vote.
  • Only registered users can vote for a project. Each user has one vote.
    If you haven’t registered, feel free to set up an account. Accounts created as part of a campaign to promote a project will not be approved.
  • Voting for the ‘People’s Choice’ is limited to members of this online community (professionals, researchers and students in cultural informatics) because it is not intended to be a popularity contest among the broader public. Like the other GLAMi Awards, the People’s Choice is an opportunity for peers – people in our field – to recognize good work. While public campaigns for support are not encouraged, collegial jostling is expected. Be ethical and respectful of your peers.

The Awards

  • 2016 GLAMi Awards will be made at Museums and the Web 2016, in Los Angeles on Friday, April 8th, 2016.
  • Winners do not need to attend however they will not receive a physical awards or technology prizes if they do not attend.

What do I win?

  • Each winning project will be recognized on the MW website and in a press release
  • Each winning project will receive one award trophy (requires attendance to accept the award / trophies will not be shipped)
  • For each award a receive a technology prizes valued at $100-$500 (requires attendance to accept the award / technology prizes will not be shipped)
  • Top five awardees will receive a non-transferable free MW2017 registration and 5 Free room nights at the MW2017 conference hotel